About Alexander
In the year 1993, on the 10th day of August, greatness was born. Joshua Alexander Knight was born in Jackson, Mississippi. The oldest of 3 children, Joshua became a natural-born leader. During his high school years, Joshua began to find his fashion niche. He looked up to fashion designers such as Coco Chanel. It was not until he came to college that he realized he was bound for greatness. In 2012-2014, Joshua attended Hinds Community College in Raymond, MS. There he studied Dance Arts. Joshua began to take over the campus with his unique sense of fashion. That alone did not stop Joshua. During 2015-2017, Joshua attended Jackson State University. During his matriculation there, he studied Theatre Arts and Speech Communications. While studying Theatre Arts, Joshua was praised for his wild sense of fashion. He was in charge of costuming for the productions in the Theatre department. Joshua was also admired so much by his peers that he was named a fashion icon at Jackson State University. Joshua’s fashion inspirations derive from movies such as Clueless, Mean Girls, and Jawbreaker. His favorite color is also pink. Joshua tries his best to incorporate it into his outfits. Joshua also enjoys telling stories. He hopes to become a well-known fashion journalist one day. Today, Joshua received his Master of Science degree in Journalism and Media Studies in Jackson, Mississippi.