Meet Kennedy Jones, a 22-year-old skincare cosmetic chemist from Jackson, Mississippi. Kennedy is the CEO and Founder of Honey Factory Cosmetics. Founded July 5th, 2020, Honey Factory is a haven dedicated to the correction, enhancement, and improvement of treatable skin complications. This Black-owned company is not only making strives within the black community as a cosmetics brand but being owned by a Black woman. I have had the pleasure of interviewing Ms. Jones, and this is what she had to say:
1. How did the ideas for your company come about?
I honestly tried every major skin brand there was, and I was discouraged by the consistent letdown of still having unmanageable breakouts. After years of dealing with and treating painful and reoccurring acne and eczema, I started researching ingredients to make my own products better suited for my skin and skin complications. My grandma brought me a book about herbs and natural remedies for the hair, skin, and body. My aesthetician taught me the importance of consistency, quality, and sunscreen! It sparked my interest, so I started to experiment, like really testing the waters to see what worked for me. The pandemic allowed me a lot of time to brainstorm. After a year of trial and error, I became more comfortable with creating products. I started formulating a daily skincare routine.
2. What was the inspiration behind the name of your business?
I wanted to create a warm, luxurious brand to reflect my personality, personal interests, and lifestyle. Like skin, Honey comes in all shades and textures. My goal was to represent that. My parents joked about me making a lab or a factory out of my room because I had lab equipment and an entire shelf of cosmetic ingredients. And that’s how Honey Factory Cosmetics was named!
3. How do you build a successful customer base?
By being myself, honestly. I like having fun with my brand, so I strive to create content and products that feel reflect that. In turn, it brings my customers to me.
4. What process do you use to determine which products would best fit the needs of a customer?
Things such as skin type, daily routine, surrounding environment, and sometimes even sleep patterns.
5. Tell me how you organize, plan, and prioritize your work.
I stay on top of things by writing out my schedule or goals. I prioritize what needs my attention the most and how soon. I’m handling formulating, producing, order fulfillment, inventory & accounting, and a million other things on my own. I try to stay focused.
6. What sets your skincare company aside from others?
The thing that drives me to provide quality skin care products is the ability to increase someone’s confidence. When you look good, you feel good. When your skin looks good and is healthy, you feel that way too. That’s the feeling I aim to give every soul that uses Honey Factory Co.
7. How do you market your products and which tactics prove to be the most successful?
By social media and word of mouth. I engage with my followers by keeping them up to date on the brand as well as showing them the results of the products. People like to see testimonials because it lets them know they’re not alone and that treating your skin is possible.
8. What advice would you give an upcoming entrepreneur?
KEEP GOING!!!! This shit gets complicated, but you’re built for it! - You won’t immediately have all the answers but keep working and learning until you’re able to figure it out! - Don’t rush, set your own pace. - Always remember why you started.
9. As a Black woman, who is also an entrepreneur, how do you keep yourself motivated?
My support system. The number of people that tell me how much the products have helped their skin, testimonial pictures, words of encouragement from my family and friends, and prayers from my loved ones, all keep me motivated. I know how big HFC is and will be. That’s what keeps me going every day.
10. What is your favorite thing about being an entrepreneur?
Being able to move how I want to and to be myself. I don’t have to change who I am or fit in a corporate or societal role of what an employee “should be”. I can be, wear, do, think, talk, and act how I please without the fear of missing out on money. I’m doing it all at my own pace. It’s a privilege.
Honey Factory Cosmetics is a unique kind of cosmetics brand that brings that eccentric feel to Black beauty. It just feels Black-owned because of how creative she advertises her brand. I believe Ms. Jones is going to skyrocket in the world of cosmetics. Watch out Olay and Nivea because there is a new sheriff in town, and she does not play. Kennedy also joins the list of 27 other Black women who have their major skincare and cosmetics brands. To learn more about Honey Factory Cosmetics, visit their website a www.honeyfactoryco.com. Also, follow Honey Factory on social media for updates on products:
Twitter: @honeyfactoryco
Instagram: @honeyfactoryco
Facebook: Honey Factory Cosmetics