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Highlighting Entrepreneurs In Black Fashion: The Beau House

Meet Broderic Marquis (he/him/his), a 24-year-old fashion entrepreneur from Atlanta, Georgia. Broderic is the CEO and owner of The Beau House, an intimate garment apparel line for men. Founded in 2020, The Beau House serves as a brand specifically made for men of all sizes. The intimate garment collection also comes in different styles and variations of colors. I have had the pleasure of interviewing Mr. Marquis about The Beau House. This is what he had to say:

How did the ideas for your business come about?

I’ve always been the person that likes to pay homage to their more “risqué” side. I always feel super powerful the more naked I am. I do believe that you can tell a lot about a man by what’s under his clothes, and I’m not referring to his privates. In addition, I enjoy fashion therefore being able to produce undergarments that are both “revealing” and pleasing to the eye is a plus! Society sees intimacy as something “feminine” and I plan to change that very ignorant mindset.

How did you come up with the name of your company?

I was very adamite about finding a name that made sense and wasn’t just my name. Beau means a rich and fashionable male. Personally, I felt that it was a perfect description of me. I didn’t see the word “rich” as being anything monetary but more so as things that aren’t tangible. Such as confidence and personality.

How did you raise funding for your venture?

One random night I invited my parents to dinner and let them know my vision. I asked for money for products and branding. Thankfully they were geeked about my ideas and fully supported me.

How do you build a successful customer base?

This is something I continue to struggle with. Outreach is extremely important. I believe finding your initial audience is vital in building a revolving, evolving, customer base.

How do you market your business and which tactics have been most successful?

I market my business towards the LGBTQ community (via social media) mainly because that’s where I find my comfort. I gravitate to those customers. Eventually, I plan to provide products for ALL males (as I did when I first opened my business). However, I have found that concretizing my initial audience has made who I market to a lot easier.

What is so unique about your business that sets it apart from everyone else?

Great question! I found myself struggling to answer this question when I first launched The Beau House. Now that I’m rebranding, I can say that I’ve learned that men need comfort as well as style and I need to be sure to implement that. I can’t think of any lingerie/underwear lines that bring both heterosexual and homosexual men under one roof. And that Is simply my goal.

What advice would you give upcoming Black entrepreneurs?

Take your time! Don’t be in a rush to release content. Be very particular but don’t overwhelm yourself. Find an audience and be willing to evolve and change.

How do you define success?

Success to me is simply honest happiness. Money Is great but it’s easy to spend. I have yet to find a limit to my happiness.

What is your favorite aspect of being an entrepreneur?

Having complete creative control. I don’t feel pressured to listen to anyone else’s advice. I answer to myself, and I like it like that.

The Beau House gives hope to Black men because we finally have a black-owned company that allows men to embrace their sexual side. My expectation of this brand is at an all-time high because of its potential to become an alternative to Victoria’s Secret or Fenty by Rihanna. I know this black-owned brand is going to blossom into something bigger than it already is. If you want to learn more about The Beau House, visit their website at, or follow them via Instagram @thebeauhousellc for updates.

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